Monday, August 27, 2007

The Posters We Like the Mosters

TRB in the Rockies IV

Dots and Dashes

DVRPC 7th Largest MPO in the Nation PTP Pilot Program

Set up 20 Billion dollar spending limit
How do they split their spending on the existing system, versus network expansion.


Sketching out what people want.

Preliminary Results:
Working outreach tool
Data results from two sessions have been entered into a database
Composite results (Projects people most likely prefer)
A central public game session is pending.


Washington State's Growth and Transportation Efficiency Centers: Keith Cotton


Growth Management Act in 1990
Commute Trip Reduction
CTR Efficiency Act 2006

CTR only addresses large employers (Employers are required to create opportunities to not drive alone)

The GTEC program...
Bringing transit to the land use table
Directs RTPOs to coordinate
Increases efficiency on the state highway system in key areas
Requires that GTECs be prioritized


Transit Agency Involvement in Land Use Planning
Case Study from the Puget Sound Region

Snohomish County

Land Use Outreach

Lessons Learned
Obtained transit board endorsement of policies
New staff position dedicated to land use outreach
Approached problem from both ends
Leveraged Opportunities Created by the GMA
Emphasized coordination with local jurisdictions
No budget for facilities improvements
Connection with TDM program was informal
Outreach to the private sector was weak
Follow up with local jurisdiction infrequent
Didn't develop a robust tracking system to document program effectiveness


Where's Emeryville?

Nathan Landau of AC Transit. A dense city is basically a downtown. It doesn't have a BART station but does have Amtrak, bus connections. Emery Go Round

How does it become pedestrian friendly.

Service has been added.


Access cost equity
Erratic congestion
Limited potential for street/sidewalk
A new general plan



Metrolink/Olsen Homes Partnership
Colleen Richter - Division of Marketing & Sales

JPA, made up of 5 transportation agencies

Fullerton station picture

Chasing developers for about 6 years. Olsen company is a smaller development company, intown living. Smaller urban development, live work medium to high residential density.

Increase Core Ridership
Populate TOD
Leverage OPM
Attract Diverse Demographics
Influence Lifestyle Choices
Raise General Awareness

30% ridership is transient, changing work or jobs.

Very targeted marking but not necessarily to the general market.

The message: Life Without Traffic

Three Commuter Targets
At Work
In Traffic
On the Train

Between a 4 and 5000 dollar value for two years of metrolink service that the developer pays for.
$3.5 million in home sales. $50,000 dollars in free passes


Sugarhouse Trolley

Very dense area
UTA owns the ROW
Transit and Land Use are Integrated
Unanimous Consensus to build a streetcar


TCRP Research Urban Design and Mode Choice

What others think about where i live is as important as where I think.
Factors on mode choice
Compact Neighborhood
Values incorporated personal attitudes
Auto ownership, auto dependence, love of autos


TCRP Report 95: Jay Evans, Dick Pratt

Several Factors

Land use site design
auto ownership
parking supply
parking pricing
transit support
Self selection


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